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    Frequently Asked Questions

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    What is included?

    Exclusive VIP - what do I get?

    Arrive and Depart with Ease: Airporteo is with you from landing to takeoff. We guide you, answer questions, and handle your bags, making every step smooth. Enjoy a hassle-free journey every time.

    What is VIP airport meet & greet service?

    Arrive and Depart with Ease: Airporteo is with you from landing to takeoff. We guide you, answer questions, and handle your bags, making every step smooth. Enjoy a hassle-free journey every time.

    What is Transfer airport service?

    Arrive and Depart with Ease: Airporteo is with you from landing to takeoff. We guide you, answer questions, and handle your bags, making every step smooth. Enjoy a hassle-free journey every time.
    Ordering Process

    Tell me in short about the ordering process

    To order services on our website you need to fill out the form, indicate all the necessary data accurately and receive a response from us with the real price and confirmed requested serviced within a few hours. After final approval and your payment, you will be provided with all the ordered services according to your requirements.

    I just want to check the price, is it possible?

    Yes, it is possible. Just fill the Airport Service Form and get the information you need. No obligations from your side.

    How accurate the prices I see on your website?

    We try to update prices on the site constantly

    Do you accept credit cards?

    Yes, we accept all types of credit and debit cards including Visa MasterCard and American Express.

    Can I pay by PayPal?

    Yes, definetely, you will be asked for prefered payment option and if you choose Paypal, you will have the ability to do it.

    What are the payment options?

    You can pay for our services by credit/debit card, by Paypal, by bank wire or Western Union.
    Rules and Policies

    My child is seven years old. Why should I pay for VIP services for him as an adult client?

    Rules for the provision of services, including the regulation of the age of clients, are carried out directly by the airport team services and are not under the control of Airporteo LLC.But we will do everything possible and in our power to help you in your situation.

    I need to know about the rules and restrictions for a specific airport. Can you help me in this situation?

    Yes, we can help you; don't hesitate to get in touch with us, and we will provide you with confirmed and correct data on the rules and restrictions in the requested airport

    I am traveling with my pet. What are the restrictions on providing VIP services to clients traveling with dogs?

    Each airport has specific rules and requirements for transporting pets, so we will inform you of these rules before you pay. Please be sure to include these details in your correspondence with us.
    What if ... ?

    What happens if my arrival is delayed indefinitely

    Don't worry; a dedicated assigned customer service manager will notify the team in the airport, and all services will be provided to you on time.

    What happens if I am late for my departure flight?

    Please notify our dedicated customer service manager of your lateness, and we will make the necessary changes to the time we provide service to you.

    What should I do if I can't get through to the greeter?

    Please call us on all the phone numbers listed on the website.
    Airports and Locations

    I'm not sure what my departure airport is. Can you help me?

    Yes, we can help you. Please send us your flight number or a scanned copy of your ticket.

    Can you tell me at what point in the terminal greeter will be waiting for me?

    Yes, we will send you a letter informing you where the greeter is waiting for you. In addition, you will have a phone number by which you can contact the greeter.

    I heard that the terminal at this airport is under renovation, how can I be sure that everything will be fine?

    Rest assured, we will proactively send you a letter informing you about the greeter's location. You will also have a dedicated phone number to contact the greeter if needed.
    About Airporteo LLC

    You are a young company. How can I trust you?

    Our team consists of experienced specialists who have worked in the aviation and tourism industry for many years. We guarantee the security of payment and the fulfillment of ordered services. We also recommend that you visit our pages dedicated to terms and conditions, refunds, and chargebacks.

    What is the best way to contact you?

    Based on the specifics of the topic, we kindly ask you to contact us in writing via e-mail or WhatsApp; you are guaranteed to receive a quick, confirmed, correct answer.

    Can I work with a specific Airporteo LLC employee because I greatly like her style?

    Yes, of course, you can ask our specific employee to handle your requests for VIP services at airports. We believe in personalized service, and all of our employees are experienced, highly qualified specialists in the field.

    Frequently Asked Questions

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